Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thank you for a wonderful 2024 season!


With the 2024 season in the rear view mirror, we want to take a moment and reflect. It has been our best season yet and we are so thankful to be surrounded by such a supportive community. The combination of SO many loyal customers in addition to our phenomenal staff with the blessing of favorable weather has allowed more than 23 tons of berries to be harvested. And through your support, we were able to donate hundreds of dollars to local organizations that help our community thrive. Thank you for allowing us to do what we love!

Over the next several months, we’ll transition the farm to prepare for the next season. We’ll sprinkle a few farm updates here on social media, but will be generally quiet until we get geared back up. We look forward to seeing you again, April 2025 with a greenhouse full of plants for your flower beds/gardens & plenty of delicious strawberries for you too!

📸 A few of my favorite plants from our greenhouses this year. The white shasta daisy, pink begonia, and yellow marigold were all planted over a year ago at Windsor Elementary by our Girl’s On the Run Team. The sunpatiens and the planter with the dracaena, sunpatiens, and sweet potato vine are here in our yard and are my current favs. ❤️

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