Tuesday, May 28, 2024

OPEN Wednesday, May 29th, 9AM - 5PM

The warm sunny weather is doing a great job of drying out the patch and ripening a fresh batch of deliciously sweet strawberries! Come on out and pick a basket or two Wednesday, OPEN 9AM - 5PM!

πŸ“Έ I was looking back through some old photos and found this gem from the first time we grew strawberries to sell at the Smithfield Farmer's Market. If you had have told me then that a decade later, we'd be planting 25 times that amount now, I would have laughed. Funny how things work out. We are SO thankful for every.single.one of you, whether you were with us when we were just starting out or if today was the first time you came & picked berries. We couldn't do it without you! ❤️

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