Friday, October 21, 2011

The high tunnel greenhouse is coming along.

How bout those greenhouse doors!


  1. Hey, your greenhouse looks like a dandy! What's your heat source? What will you grow & when will you plant your seeds?
    Mine is getting some age on it & needs some upgrading. I used PVC pipe & it's gotten brittle. Did you get a good deal on your metal pipe?
    Garden Man

  2. Garden Man,
    Thanks for the kind words. We won't heat the GH this fall or winter. I will use frost blankets (low tunnels) inside of the high tunnel. This should be sufficient for cool season crops such as lettuce, spinach, carrots, onions, beets, radishes, chard, etc. In late February I will crank up a kerosene heat to get a jumpstart on tomato and hanging basket production. The greenhouse was quite an investment, but I believe it to be a very sound one.

  3. Everything is looking good at the greenhouse and is an example of all the hard work the two of you put into this project. Lights would be festive for the holidays--and maybe wreaths on the doors.

    "ms. Hokie" didn't get the job done against the tiger, but the wildcats might in Jan. (I can't remember if that is WV's mascot or not)
